Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman
I am a researcher with the Speech, Audio, Image and Video Technologies (SAIVT) Group, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brsbane, Australia.
I am working with Prof. Clinton Fookes and Prof. Sridha Sridharan as a Ph.D. researcher at the Speech, Audio, Image and Video Technologies (SAIVT) Laboratory, Brsbane, Australia. I am passionate about computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, robotics, and intelligent systems especially in visual recognition with limited or weakly labeled training data. I aim to utilize deep transfer learning and domain adaptation techniques to enable visual learning.
- One of my paper is accepted by Pattern Recognition (PR), 2019. Our work on Deep Domain Adaptation and Generalization, which provides a new analysis on unsupervised learning from the perspective of distribution mismatch among domains. [Code] [Paper].
- Code of Minimum Discrepancy Estimation (MDE) for Deep Domain Adaptatio can be found here [Code].
- Code of Multi-component Image Translation for Deep Domain Generalization can be found here [Code].
Tiny Face Detector
A real-time tiny face detector is developed that significantly reduces the size of the model and guarantees the identification is retained.
Smart Classroom
All of the electronics appliances like AC, FAN, Light, Projector etc are controlled by smart devices e.g., Cell Phone, TAB. Google Class room has been integrated with this system.
Real Time Vehicle Detection and Tracking
Detection and classification of the vehicles (car, truck, bicycle, motorcycle, bus) in real time.
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Multi-component Image Translation for Deep Domain Generalization.
Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman, Clinton Fookes, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Sridha Sridharan. arXiv: 1812.08974, 2018.
Selected Publications
Correlation-aware Adversarial Domain Adaptation and Generalization.
Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman, Clinton Fookes, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Sridha Sridharan.
pattern Recognition (PR), 2019.
[Paper] [Code] |
Multi-component Image Translation for Deep Domain Generalization.
Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman, Clinton Fookes, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Sridha Sridharan.
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2019 (oral).
[Paper] [Code] |
On Minimum Discrepancy Estimation for Deep Domain Adaptation.
Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman, Clinton Fookes, Mahsa Baktashmotlagh, Sridha Sridharan.
International Conference on Machine Learning-Workshop (ICML-W), 2018.
[Paper] [Code] |
Conference Reviewer:
- 2015 : Computer Network, Daffodil International University, Lecturer.
- 2017 : Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, Sessional Academic.
- 2019 : Research in Engineering Practice, Queensland University of Technology, Sessional Academic.
- August 2016 - February 2020 : QUT Higher Degree Research Tuition Fee Sponsorship
- August 2016 - February 2020 : QUT Postgraduate Research Award (QUTPRA)
- ICRITO 2015 Best Paper Award